By cumbucket cops - 16/03/2014 17:53 - United States - Barberton

Today, I found out that my unemployed husband has his own web-comic, that he makes money off it, and that it mainly involves the main character's airhead, money-grubbing wife ruining his life. She looks strikingly like me and shares my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 553
You deserved it 7 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's the name of the comic? That sucks, though. If he's unemployed, I assume you two have just been living off your income. So, if he is making some on the side, that is not fair to you that you have to cover all expenses when he might be capable of contributing, too.


Who knows? Maybe we could help figure it out with a link to the comics...

ariiewilliams 17

I mean if he makes money off of it, that means people read it and it must be good. Can we get a link or nah?

zgomon 10

Probably Bitch duck from handi-quacks.

\ 28

This reminds me of the "Angry Dad" comics Bart drew from the Simpsons...

Well that sucks, sorry OP that your husband has problems he can't confront you about

larrena2377 26

Maybe yall should have a talk

He does need some way complain. This way is just the way of a 15 year old... A bit immature.

I'm 15... I would not do this. That man has way too much dedication.

I'm 15 too and I know a lot of my friends would do stupid things like this

His way to complain about what though?

What's the name of the comic? That sucks, though. If he's unemployed, I assume you two have just been living off your income. So, if he is making some on the side, that is not fair to you that you have to cover all expenses when he might be capable of contributing, too.

Nope, it's not cumbucket cops, or any other variation of it, from what I could see when I Googled it.

ariiewilliams 17

Look on the bright side.... Wait there isn't one.

Someone written about her...... I think

He's not so unemployed as she thought...

DarkSaul 20

Your husband must be a great storyteller. Can I have his autograph?

buttcramp 21

it's not immature.. it's just inconsiderate.

It's? Wouldn't that make the comment " immaturity at it is finest"?

sammyjanette 17

Why is this being thumbed down? Hoarding money from your spouse, so that you don't have to contribute to household expenses reeks of immaturity.

Can't believe everybody thinks it's has to mean it is. It's shows possession. In other words, he really said "immaturity at immaturity's finest"

nope. its is the possession form. it doesn't follow the apostrophe rules that every other contraction does.

@62 Since when? That was not what I was taught. That's fine if it is, I will concede, but i'd need some proof.

63#: Try checking out rudimentary English grammar schoolbooks. There's your proof.

NiceGuysDoWin 21

They are right 63. "It" is the only exception to the rule. "It's" is the contraction of 'it is', while "its" without the apostrophe is the possessive form of the word.

Though I don't really think that your husband would think of you that way (unless he had some reason to) I'm thinking you two should talk, just in case.