By sadsenior - 13/03/2009 21:09 - United States

Today, I was excited because I was going to get my college decisions back. I put all of the letters in order of my preference. Didn't get into my first choice. Denied from my second choice. Rejected from my third choice. Wait listed on my back-up. Accepted for a job at Target. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 593
You deserved it 10 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

note to you... a back-up is supposed to be a school you're sure that you'll get into classic case of inflated head syndrome

You obviously overestimated your academic achievements. Don't feel sorry for you. Tough luck. Maybe community college is the way to go for you.


You obviously overestimated your academic achievements. Don't feel sorry for you. Tough luck. Maybe community college is the way to go for you.

eehizle 0

look! I'm second even though my number doesn't say it. *tear*

Gondile 4

This isn't a dating site. Go stare at **** somewhere else.

cyxx 0

Ouchh sorry that sucks. Did you apply to really selective schools or something?

aww :( is that all you applied for? it's ok. it's cheaper to go to a community college at first anyway :)

note to you... a back-up is supposed to be a school you're sure that you'll get into classic case of inflated head syndrome

Sorry? Not sure what I can say, really.

Yeah, you deserved this. You probably overshot way too much...and a back-up is supposed to be an easy state university or something. Seriously. It's not hard to get into college.

I think you overestimated yourself a bit and applied to colleges you realistically didn't have much chance of getting into. Perhaps you needed to do more research? That really sucks though, as it is pretty late in the year :(. Are those all the schools you applied to? If you're waiting for more letters, take that job at Target so you'll be able to pay your way through whatever school you do end up at lol.

He didn't necessarily deserve this. For various reasons, some schools waitlist or reject students that are clearly using their college as a safety.

qwertyuiop8989 0

Well atleast now you know what your future will be like...."Would you like to apply for a target card today?" :)

mpw167 0

How is it that you received every decision on the same day? seems fishy...