By Anonymous - 21/03/2015 05:36 - United States - Mendham

Today, my sister shot my dog with my airsoft gun. When I told my parents, she put on the fakest sobbing I've ever heard, said she didn't even know how to use a gun, and that she saw me shoot my own dog. They believed her and think I need psychiatric help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 916
You deserved it 2 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your sister has some serious issues. Hope things work out okay OP.

Next time she decides to pick up the gun, start recording and show it to your parents next time she tries to pull something like that so you have proof she knows how to use it.


Your sister has some serious issues. Hope things work out okay OP.

enzozo101 8


Next time she decides to pick up the gun, start recording and show it to your parents next time she tries to pull something like that so you have proof she knows how to use it.

That could backfire. They may go with "Why did you film your sister shoot the dog?! Why didn't you stop her?!" in all honesty OP is damned either way.

her holding the gun would be enough proof, I don't think she'd need to shoot the dog

since the parents are too gullible and stupid to believe OP in the first place

I don't think she would give him the opportunity to film her shooting the dog. Firstly, because she wouldn't do it in front of a camera, and secondly because she might never do that again and find other ways to torture it.

Sneado 20

Pop her in the leg so she knows how the dog feels

do it with a real gun then say whilst sobbing "sorry I don't know the difference"

pop a couple more rounds to make sure @49

CaitiieBuggs 23

Shoot her wherever she shot the dog, and then again for good measure!

Sucks for you OP. Some people are just natural born liars, next time record what she does and show your parents then they'll have to believe you.

Sadly that's not true. If they believed her over him without putting some kind of thought into it then they're likely to believe that he tricked her into holding it on film down the road.

nmw404 6

I think just the fact that a dead dog would be in her presence would freak her out enough

airsoft gun shouldn't kill a dog not even Chihuahua

Yeah so then the dog gets blamed for going crazy and biting for no reason...

If a dog has 2 biting incidents that draw blood it has to be put down

ColonelCusswords 24

Siblings can be some real ******* sometimes...

katydid91 31

While your statement does ring a lot of truth, I can't come up with with a scenario that would justify one shooting the family dog.

My younger brother did these kind of things to me all the time. He would do something, blame it on me just so he could get me in trouble

Burn her clothes and say satan did it or if you want something better smash her phone and say she dropped it

So OP can get in more trouble? This time for something he actually did.