By anon. - 17/01/2012 23:41 - United States

Today, I found out if I refuse my boyfriend anything in public, he will continually yell out, "Penis!" until he gets his way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 143
You deserved it 8 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UsEumYong 4

Let him find out if you don't get your way, you yell "RAPE!" until you do.


monkiki62 5

That's a good idea. U start yelling genital herpies after he does it. Lol. Then he might stop.

How do you spell M-A-T-U-R-E? If you are still with him it sounds as though you both have a long way to go!

ImaniBabii 0

Lmfao... If I was you I would just yell out "******"!

Take his sorry ass to San Francisco or Key West. Then let him blurt out penis all he wants. He might find a new friend, relieving you.

Carry around a spray bottle filled with water in your purse and spray him whenever he does that :)

FleshForFantasy 3

Then why are you still with him if it bothers you so much?

Princesshamster 9