By anon. - 17/01/2012 23:41 - United States

Today, I found out if I refuse my boyfriend anything in public, he will continually yell out, "Penis!" until he gets his way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 143
You deserved it 8 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UsEumYong 4

Let him find out if you don't get your way, you yell "RAPE!" until you do.


just scream "PENIS!" louder than he does. and try to win.

Quiet_one 22

So dump him - problem solved. He's probably not old enough to be dating anyway, judging by that behavior.

So yell "penis" even louder. It's the PENIS game!

EveOfJudas 9

Next time he does it, yell "SINGLE".

theonlysweetpea 10

I doubt you should try to out-immature him. Just walk away. I had a boyfriend who was used to getting his way

Why do you give in to him? Let him embarrass himself and keep walking.