By cockalicious - 01/03/2011 05:29

Today, my boyfriend let me know he wanted me to leave by repeatedly jabbing me with my car keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 713
You deserved it 5 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tuppencej777 0

Yeah, you're skipping part of the story, such as he was messing around or he really needed to be somewhere and you were stalling, or there really should be an "ex" before the "boyfriend". Which is it? Are you a drama queen or a prat? =P


tuppencej777 0
MuchDance90s 0

have a hard time believing #8 has sex. unless his partners are necrophiliacs (sex w skeletons lmao)

#29, that would actually make #8 the necrophiliac, not his dead partners.

yeah, just cause you're in a relationship doesn't mean that he wants you to hang out with him all the time lol. If that's not the case, then you're just going out with a dick. Either way, YDI

What a loser.. Break up with him and find yourself a man!

I'm going to guess she's the crazy psycho loser if that's what it took to get her to leave. I think the first time someone jabbed me with their keys, a normal reaction would be you're an ass, bye.

SummerRuby 1

Really? Your first reaction wouldn't be to tell them to stop jabbing you with their keys? Wow, you must have no sense of humor or fun, then, do you?

ptbft 1

I think you are missing the point, he was jabbing her with HER keys. How could she leave if he had her keys.

kick his ass .... oh I forgot ur a woman. crap, this will get me into so much shit with the feminists. JK

Technically, it aren't the feminists who are going to get you in so much shit. On the contrary. You know, they are the ones who think that men are equal to women, so if a man may kick someones ass, a woman may also. Op you're boring. Quit it.

Autoshot 9

17 - Your grammar is awful. Yuck.

#23 - English isn't her first language. Cut her some slack.

I'm a woman and i would have stabbed him between the ribs with his own key! :-)

relax guys I was just kidding, though you might assume otherwise cause I'm Saudi Arabian, I'm actually not sexist at all I was just curious what sort of comments I'll get

hibiscushunylh 0

when you use phrases like " it aren't the feminists" using phrases like don't "on the contrary" doesn't make you any smarter.

Cockalicious.... Really? Omg, your bf wanted to leave! It's the end of your life! Ruined!

MassEffectNerd 0

at least he wasn't screaming and whining like a spoiled five year old.

jacob4848 4

Not his fault that you smell funny.

srgsk9 9

You probably deserved to be jabbed. You most likely ignored previous hints.

maybe next time he'll just say "my other girlfriend will be here in ten mins so get the f*** out"

am I the only one who doesn't see the ex before boyfriend? shouldn't there be one?

there should be but there isn't, I'm thinking op enjoys key jabbing so much she'd like to stick around for round two

I hope you are the only one who wants to destroy a relationship because of a shitty reason like this.

DjeePee - I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that. Who the hell would break up with someone over something so simple? This is another FML where I just thought 'so?'

Congrats 12, you're living up to your own username.

Yeah, you're skipping part of the story, such as he was messing around or he really needed to be somewhere and you were stalling, or there really should be an "ex" before the "boyfriend". Which is it? Are you a drama queen or a prat? =P