It's a witch!

By umm... - 30/03/2020 23:00 - Australia - Canberra

Today, I caught my boyfriend in the bathtub interrogating his penis and "drowning" it when it wouldn't answer him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 816
You deserved it 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aiden89 23

I’m sorry OP, I genuinely laughed out loud. He sounds hilarious

SexAndStarbucks 12

Quarantine day 12 be like...


Amanda Howard 9
Aiden89 23

I’m sorry OP, I genuinely laughed out loud. He sounds hilarious

Ditto, and I laughed so loud I woke my husband up. I would still be laughing if I saw my husband doing that.

He's waterboarding his dick? The CIA might recruit him. What kind of operational intelligence did he recover from his ****? Perhaps the location and readiness of some seamen?

Wadlaen 23

One of the risks of drinking before bathing...

Mmmmm wonder who's next? Run and run fast.

WistayShlaio82 13

Maybe give him more attention so he’s not so angry?

redvibes23 14
SexAndStarbucks 12

Quarantine day 12 be like...

Wouldn’t be better if he punished his penis in you?

katydid91 31