By anon. - 17/01/2012 23:41 - United States

Today, I found out if I refuse my boyfriend anything in public, he will continually yell out, "Penis!" until he gets his way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 143
You deserved it 8 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UsEumYong 4

Let him find out if you don't get your way, you yell "RAPE!" until you do.


lol @ skool we play "the Penis Game" wer we all yell penis rly loud & who eva yells it the loudest without getting caught wins. it rly pisses off the teachers :P

that's something a 3 year old do, scream until you get what you want. but YDI for dating him.

jobsman99 0

Sounds like when he threw his temper tantrum when he was 3 his Mom gave into him and it has worked ever since. Ignore him and walk away and don't give into him. If you give in he will behave like that for everything.

AyooXKayytee 0

'speaking of small things.. Yours is to small for me.'

MeMareeh 0

The fact of you writing it here instead of just sending the child home to his mother indicates that you are encouraging his spoiled brat behavior. YDI

Petunia888 13

To all the people saying "dump him", think about that for a second. Dump him because he yells "PENIS" when he doesn't get his way? Wow, you guys are too serious.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Actually yes. I wouldn't want to date someone that immature. So unless the OP likes this behavior (which it appears that she doesn't) then she should dump him and find herself an adult. If he is this way about little things, just imagine how bad he'll be about big issues.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

He is acting like a spoilt 2 year old. Why would anyone want to be with someone so immature, childish and Pathethic that he resorts to trying to embarrass the OP when he doesn't get what he wants.

Let him know his immaturity is not appreciated and makes him look a fool. If he doesn't stop, Dump him. You deserve better and there are more mature men out there who do not act like spoiled children.

physicist48 0

Dump him. He is apparently 12 years old. Find someone who isn't an embarrassment to guys everywhere.

unmistakablyamaz 4

Immature. I'd yell "Breakup!" and walk away.