By jonnyc - 17/06/2009 13:40 - United Kingdom

Today, I walked past a building site near my house, there was a sign saying "WARNING - Beware of the scaffolding". I started laughing at the stupidity of the sign, and walked straight into a metal pole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 471
You deserved it 59 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I dont get what the point of this is. The sign u were laughing at has nothing to do with the scaffolding. They were warning u that it might collapse. duh

mojomojo_fml 5

Some signs your parents probably thought were stupid and funny: Warning! Incest can lead to birth defects. Warning! Never shake a baby. Warning! Keep out of reach of children. Ingesting lead paint may cause brain damage.


you should listen to the signs, they are not stupid they were put there for a reason. Maybe so that idiots like you wont kill or injure themselves and sue the company. I am disapointed in you.

yeah what's so funny about that sign? ?_?

I dont get what the point of this is. The sign u were laughing at has nothing to do with the scaffolding. They were warning u that it might collapse. duh

Some warning signs are redundant though, i.e. "caution hot coffee" or "do not attempt to change blade while lawn mower is turned on"; but the OP is clearly a reason why said warning signs are posted to protect people from their own stupidity. And to avoid law suits :D

how is hot coffee redundant??????? coffee can be cold moron

I'm sure that there *are* people stupid enough to attempt changing lawnmower blades while the thing is on.

The "hot coffee" warning comes from when some dumb bitch spilled hot coffee on herself, then sued the company (and won!) because she didn't know it was that hot.

The coffee was in fact excessively hot. she had 3rd degree burns and needed skin grafting. She also was awarded the giant amouny if money even though she was only asking for medical bills to be covered.

greenltrn2003 0

hahahahahahahaha I dont think I ever laughed that hard at a FML! your life isnt ****** your brain is... (and possibly your face, depending on how hard you hit it)

Been there, done that! oh and #2 READ IT AGAIN.. it says WARNING - beware of the scaffolding!!!

Well...the sign wasnt so stupid compared to what you funny. not "fml worthy" but funny