By Anonymous - 28/03/2009 20:19 - United States

Today, I found my concert tickets that I've been trying to find for the last 2 weeks in my mom's closet. When I asked why she had them, she said she felt the concert was inappropriate for me so she hid them. I'm 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 301
You deserved it 6 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

evanwilliams 4

Stop living with your mom if you're so grown up you big ass.


evanwilliams 4

Stop living with your mom if you're so grown up you big ass.

Hahaha, move out buddy. And this is by all means a FAIL.

TheEmoPrepGirl 0

Wow, that sounds like something my parents would do to my brother. He's 20 too. I hope they don't do that to me!

blargity 0

maybe s/he was only visiting their mom?

#1 2 and 3 are right jesus christ move the **** out

i agree, it's about time you move out and get a life.

They left out the fact that the tickets were 300 dollars. That is crucial information. Anyway, that sucks so much. It like actually makes me angry for you.