Hey! Teachers! Leave those kids alone!

By Anonymous - 24/09/2021 13:58

Today, while grading my kindergarteners' spelling tests, one kid spelled all the words wrong, including his name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 889
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XRP123 11

I have a dyslexic child who has a hard time learning to read. It is comments like this that have made us realize we will never get any help from the education system. He only got diagnosed because we did it privately. We are learning how to teach a dyslexic to read, there brains learn differently, because nobody else is going to help.

He didn't spell them "wrong" -- he just used "alternative spellings." Sounds like he has a promising future as a Starbucks barista, where the ability to misspell names is an asset, not a problem.


XRP123 11

I have a dyslexic child who has a hard time learning to read. It is comments like this that have made us realize we will never get any help from the education system. He only got diagnosed because we did it privately. We are learning how to teach a dyslexic to read, there brains learn differently, because nobody else is going to help.

xxlk4xx 6

I'm so sorry the education system has failed your kiddo 😔 I agree wholeheartedly with your comment.

He didn't spell them "wrong" -- he just used "alternative spellings." Sounds like he has a promising future as a Starbucks barista, where the ability to misspell names is an asset, not a problem.

I guess you're not much of a teacher then.

Yummi_913 18

I was thinking the same thing. Poor kid gets stuck with a teacher who whines about him online instead of caring enough to help him identify the problem and learn... which happens to be her literal job!

Future Mensa candidate right there.. but seriously, they say Albert Einstein was a poor student too, so who knows? Some kids are late bloomers.

making spelling mistakes in kindergarten hardly makes you a "late bloomer"

Mylife 12

You teach kindergarten, what did you expect? By the way the kid might have learning disabilities, what kind of teacher are you?

sweetpotato 12

I mean, it's kindergarten...not college. Jesus give the kids a break. that all falls on you and how YOU been teaching them.

xxlk4xx 6

so instead of getting annoyed with this child who possibly has a learning disability you need to figure out how to help them through their struggles or find someone who can. as someone who grew up with a learning disability and had teachers AND peers making me feel like absolute shit every day for not understanding things the way I was "supposed to" all I'm going to say is PLEASE do better, educate yourself or find a different career path. as a parent of a child who also has a learning disability I would be livid if I had seen theur teacher (especially kindergarten) speaking this way about my child. as I said before, do better.

Why the **** is your administration making you give spelling tests to KINDERGARTENERS? At that age they're still figuring out that A is For Apple and how to not shit their pants in the classroom. Your administration is ridiculous.