By Noname - 16/03/2009 17:29 - United States

Today, I found an old dress in my house laying around. I decided to dye it green to wear it out on St. Patrick's day. Turns out it was my grandmother's wedding dress that my sister was planning to wear for her wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 248
You deserved it 179 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** kind of wedding dress was it that you couldn't tell?

This is why you pay attention to things that arent yours!


Oh my god, you're a ******* idiot. Ask before you touch other people's things. And it didn't look OLD to you? It didn't look like a WEDDING DRESS to you? Are you blind? Wow. I have absolutely no respect for you, as you obviously have no respect for other people's or their property.

a bucket of white paint should fix the problem

epic_failure_lol 0

are your and sister or are they cousins?

serenitylater 0

How could you not realize it was a wedding dress? Either you're a moron with terrible powers of observation, or (more likely) this is bullsh-t.

Really, how stupid can you be? There's only one valid excuse for this: if you asked your mom if you could dye the dress, and she said okay because she didn't know what it's a wedding dress (even if her own mother got married in it).

Bangly 0

HAHA YES! I hope they change the entire wedding to be green, that'd be bad ass. I also hope they let everyone know that it's your fault, you shouldn't do stuff like that unless you KNOW it's yours.

snow_cloak 0

Exactly how did you come up with such a crazy idea?! You need a hobby.

bmur 0

how can you mistake a wedding dress? it is seriously ugly or something? i just don't get.

f your sister's life, not yours. i think you should but her a dress to make up for it.