By Noname - 16/03/2009 17:29 - United States

Today, I found an old dress in my house laying around. I decided to dye it green to wear it out on St. Patrick's day. Turns out it was my grandmother's wedding dress that my sister was planning to wear for her wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 248
You deserved it 179 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** kind of wedding dress was it that you couldn't tell?

This is why you pay attention to things that arent yours!


uthinkurhot 0

woww. that really sucks. dont you know what a wedding dress looks like??

damn unluckyness i have the same thing

Why would you take something that's not yours one and two dye it? That's awfully direspectful and selfish... Basic codes of conduct that you're taught when you're a little kid, YDI

krazidrea 0

..............not even ganna ask

babelini 12

thats what u get for taking things that are not urs. u could at least ask the people in ur house about it. and dont tell me u cant recognize a wedding dress.

emtalex 0

Maybe spend a moment or two thinking about your decisions BEFORE you make them.

Ok so u seem to keep posting the most pathetic fml's, one about ur family gatherings and now this? For one, wedding dresses are usually very elegant, so why would you take a nice dress and dye it green? Ur retarted and I highly doubt this is true. U need to quit posting on this site.

I'm confused. How do you confuse an antique wedding dress with "an old dress just laying around"?

Perhaps your sister will post a FML post soon Today i found out that my sister dyed an old dress green to wear for st patricks. I realised it is my wedding dress.

OBJECTION! #132, there is a clear contradiction in your testimony (lol). If you carefully read this FML, the author is a man! Why would a man dye a dress green for himself to wear on St. Patrick's Day? Maybe the real reason the wedding is ruined isn't the fact that the dress is now green, but that her brother was planning on wearing her wedding dress! Well, without him knowing it was her wedding dress evidently. FYL, you (mostly) deserve it "Noname", the author of this FML.