By Shrek's Pubes - 22/05/2019 20:00

Today, I tried to dye my hair blonde. Turns out, green hair doesn't suit me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 455
You deserved it 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Heck yes they are! Go somewhere that they'll know what they're doing! Hair requires the right amount of chemicals to bleach depending on hair health. They charge the amount they do not just for the product, but for the time and knowledge on how to do your hair! Don't DIY or go to a stylist in a grocery store.


Heck yes they are! Go somewhere that they'll know what they're doing! Hair requires the right amount of chemicals to bleach depending on hair health. They charge the amount they do not just for the product, but for the time and knowledge on how to do your hair! Don't DIY or go to a stylist in a grocery store.

Amanda G Rich 23

probably because you can't dye your hair blonde, just bleach it

sounds like you went from a dyed dark color to blonde. which in that case, is your fault.

JosephFDawson 7

Same thing happened to my aunt in high school. I don't think there's anything wrong with dying hair if it's done right.

Put on Joker makeup and you’ll be ok. Go with the Heath Ledger look to scare the **** out of everyone or try the Cesar Romero to make everyone laugh.

ViviMage 38

That username! I love it! Just do what they did in the 60's! Lemon juice in the hair and direct sunlight! Be a sub worshipper! Risk skin cancer! No seriously use sunblock please. Don't worry, you can dye it again, or just cosplay as an anime character for a while! I'll be Sailor Jupiter if you'll be Sailor Neptune! Or pick up basketball and call yourself the Worm!

They're delicious, I can see why you told her to become a sub worshipper. However, I don't think they directly cause cancer nor do I see how that would help her hair situation.

Lemme guess. You had a crappy brown box dye on? Or a blue black? Those both have stubborn green tones. You can counter act them red, you might be better off just coloring your hair red for now and trying to lift to blonde in the future.