Cake is everything

By Anonymous - 28/08/2020 01:08 - Australia - South Yarra

Today, at my maternal grandmother’s wake, I decided I deserved a piece of cake as it had been a hard day. I was serving myself a slice when my paternal grandma caught my eye from across the room, making a “fat face” at me. She called out, loudly, “You don’t need it Pudgy.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 871
You deserved it 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have replied "Watch out, you're next! And I'll have cake then too!"


And at her funeral, you're gonna eat all the ******* cake you want!

You gotta believe the deceased grandma is looking down from Heaven on this exchange. I wonder whose side she's on. My money is on "other grandma."

genuinegoodguy 9

You already know yourself if it’s true

You should have replied "Watch out, you're next! And I'll have cake then too!"

Can neither confirm nor deny YDI without some stats. So fess up, what do you weigh?

Most people that are fat eat less food than skinny people. While there are some people fat due to food it's mostly due to the prevalence of desk jobs and other sedentary activities being more accessible than physical activities. They'd be better off telling the skinny person with high cholesterol who eats sweets all the time and is clogging their arteries to lay off the junk.

ME: "Well, I don't need you, either, and unlike you, I actually LIKE cake."