By Noname - 16/03/2009 17:29 - United States

Today, I found an old dress in my house laying around. I decided to dye it green to wear it out on St. Patrick's day. Turns out it was my grandmother's wedding dress that my sister was planning to wear for her wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 248
You deserved it 179 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** kind of wedding dress was it that you couldn't tell?

This is why you pay attention to things that arent yours!


pineapplemilda 0

hasn't your momma taught you anything? don't touch what's not yours!

X_o_X_ocutie 0

tell her to have the wedding on St Patricks day if she don't wanna get pinched

and you, being a guy, are ACTUALLY going to wear a wedding dress.? epic, epic, epic fail.

Vampgirl202 4

why is a dude wearing a dress in the first place???

well damn if it looked like a wedding dress or wasn't even yours, you prob should have asked

So you planned to wear a green wedding dress?

Carlson_Jin 0

well, it was just "laying around." don't lay yourself over OP, by the way what does OP mean?

hennessy89 34

OP means original poster. Who is btw a female to everyone who keeps saying it's a guy.

katie_lynne14 0

I woul hate to be your sister!