By wowawesome - 18/07/2019 16:00

Today, I got a second piercing in my ear. I needed help cleaning the back, so I asked my dad for help. I told him to careful, but right when I did, he tore the earring out with the cotton swab. Thanks, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 515
You deserved it 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don’t see why you needed help to begin with! I have 3 each ear and never had anyone help clean them

Why would you need help. Are you able to put on your own earrings?


I don’t see why you needed help to begin with! I have 3 each ear and never had anyone help clean them

I’m confused too, I think we need more context. I have 17 total between my ears and was able to keep every one of them clean.

Why would you need help. Are you able to put on your own earrings?