By Noname - 16/03/2009 17:29 - United States

Today, I found an old dress in my house laying around. I decided to dye it green to wear it out on St. Patrick's day. Turns out it was my grandmother's wedding dress that my sister was planning to wear for her wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 248
You deserved it 179 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** kind of wedding dress was it that you couldn't tell?

This is why you pay attention to things that arent yours!


exactly number 4. You totally deserved that period. How dumb are you to not recognize a wedding dress. Is that even possible.

Do you always just take crap that doesn't belong to you?

Complete BS, you'd know it was a wedding dress

It's times like this when I wish there was a 'Yeah, you're life is effed, but you deserved it'. I mean I'm VERY sorry and all but shouldn't you have paid more attention...?

sis_fml 0

I suggest you find yourself someone licensed in textiles and hope they can fix your mess and hopefully change back to its original color. You're the definition of epic fail.

christopherlove 0

Why does that bitch think her wedding day is any more important than your St. Patrick's Day?

DUDE. Why would you go and dye a dress green without asking anyone who's it is? Didn't you ever think that maybe the owner of that dress wanted it? Or did you just assume that, since it was old, you could just dye it green and nobody would care? That was extremely thoughtless of you. YDI.