By bummed - 10/01/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I finished up a week of this new "Liquid Foods" diet I learned about from a friend. After a week of denying myself of my favorite foods and eating only non-fat yoghurt and smoothies, I have not only gained 2 pounds, but have diarrhea. Just in time for my anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 425
You deserved it 31 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know better than to try fad diets. Most liquid foods are high fat anyway, so it's no wonder you gained weight. As for your diarrhea, what did you expect from not eating any solids?

Did you even bother researching it first? I mean I'm not a health nut, but all yoghurt and smoothies just sounds like a bad idea to begin with.


KayleeFrye 39

If losing weight were easy, no one would be fat. You are a lazy moron if you thin some fad diet will help you lose weight. Stupid diets and the people who use them make a mockery of people who truly work hard to become healthier. If you don't have the discipline to lose weight in a healthy way by yourself, join Weight Watchers or a gym. I did both of these things, and it is hard as hell, but I am slowly but surely losing weight.

#30, you spell yoghurt with an 'h'. YDI for going on that stupid diet, it's not healthy and it's not good for you. Losing weight is hard, but it's got to be done. I'm trying. But I'm being sensible. Some people never learn!

MasterYoda_fml 0

Certain words can be spelt differently, dumbass.

blahthing 0

And yet another Pot calling the Kettle black :)

you suck. for thinking a smoothie sounded like a sensible weight loss food... eat a stalk of celery, dumbass.

what the heck? It's not "fat" that you have to watch out for, it's calories. Do you know how much sugar there is in yogurt? Do you know how many calories are in animal products? And you put them together? Also, don't you know that diets don't work long term?

it's not calories you have to watch out for, it's empty calories. obviously, eating 300-calorie chocolate bars for a meal is gonna make you gain more weight then eating a turkey sandwich, an apple, and a glass of milk.

Cantarella_fml 0

You are misinformed. Weight always means calories, and yes, just the number. Eating 2,000 calories of chocolate will make you gain just as much weight as eating 2,000 calories of fruits and vegetables. The difference with eating healthy is in how your body functions, not how much weight you gain. You will feel weak, shaky and sick after eating 2,000 calories of junk, and healthy and energized after 2,000 in a balanced diet.

hyperbolic_duck 0

Yeah, it's not just about the calorie count, it's about the other nutrients in the food as well. Calories measure energy, really. But not only does your body need energy to perform its processes, it needs materials to use in them. No protein in diet = no protein for your body to make into its own proteins. I hate it when people think that calories = fat and more calories = OMG FAT. Calories only get stored in fat when you don't use them.

perdix 29

The good news is that on your anniversary, your husband will have a smooth ride up the Hershey Highway and you'll be able to give him a Runny Sanchez. I hope this cheers you up considering all the criticism you're getting here, plus the bloating and cramps. Happy Analversary!

Now there's an upside to this situation I wouldn't have thought of... and actually wish I hadn't now that you've put that visual image into my brain thanks.

rachexl 0

pretty sure yogurt isnt a liquid

Cowless 0

It seems a lot of people missed the "non-fat" part of "non-fat yoghurt." I bought some a little while ago that were only 80 calories, which is as much as the apple sauce I am currently eating. Not trying to say that the OP wasn't making a bad decision, she obviously was, just saying non-fat yogurt isn't terrible. But yes, the OP probably didn't think about her sugar intake. Now she's 2 pounds heavier. So noticeable!

Um hello! Liquid diets doesn't mean nonfat yogurt! My uncle did it for six months and lost 200 pounds or something. You either ****** up on what food to eat, or you just cheated and ate junk food to.