By bummed - 10/01/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I finished up a week of this new "Liquid Foods" diet I learned about from a friend. After a week of denying myself of my favorite foods and eating only non-fat yoghurt and smoothies, I have not only gained 2 pounds, but have diarrhea. Just in time for my anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 425
You deserved it 31 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know better than to try fad diets. Most liquid foods are high fat anyway, so it's no wonder you gained weight. As for your diarrhea, what did you expect from not eating any solids?

Did you even bother researching it first? I mean I'm not a health nut, but all yoghurt and smoothies just sounds like a bad idea to begin with.


simsimma88 0

what did you expect? all those liquids had to come out of somewhere. bet your butt burned after. YDI for not researching something you were planning on putting into your body

Liquid calories are even worse than eating regular food. They add up like crazy... Smh, you should have done your homework.

low fat yoghurt is full of sugar, and the diarrhoea came from not eating solids. YDI newb.

Well burning all your calorie intake may sound like it works in theory but your muscles require certain levels of calorie intake on a daily basis. In the end without the proper intake you lose muscle mass yet still retain fat. Eat breakfast to sustain you, eat a smaller lunch and a decent sized dinner with roughly an hour of exercise a day though most nutritionists and physical trainers recommend intense exercise for an hour every other day and light exercise on the other days.

Jaynaynay 3

Well, maybe your friend should have told you, that it's not the diet that makes you lose weight, it's the "after effects".

dragutz95 2

quit using these so called diets. just go work out your lazy ass

Lots of diets make you gain weight at first. It should all fall of soon.