Food ****

By Anonymous - 11/06/2021 22:01

Today, I decided to start eating healthier, so I had fruit and yoghurt for breakfast and a chicken salad for lunch. My stomach violently rejected both meals in a fountain of vomit. I later ate a giant McDonald’s meal with no issue, and felt loads better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 832
You deserved it 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It takes time my friend, keep it up. Also, do you think you may be lactose sensitive? There are great dairy alternatives available

you ate Yoghurt instead of yogurt. that was your problem. honestly hope you feel better.


It takes time my friend, keep it up. Also, do you think you may be lactose sensitive? There are great dairy alternatives available

Been there, Sometimes I decide to go on a veggies and chicken breast diet. Eventually get a massive headache and end up with Taco Bell to remedy it.

Start with a smaller amount. Have a little bit of fruit for breakfast and half a salad for lunch as an example. Rice and bananas are also good for settling stomaches. Your body is rejecting it because it is used to something completely different. If just that causes you to massively throw up twice, that is really bad news for your health. I honestly recommend seeking a nutritionists help.

you ate Yoghurt instead of yogurt. that was your problem. honestly hope you feel better.

Wadlaen 23

You're clearly not cut out for a healthy lifestyle - stick to McDonald's and enjoy life!😉

You might have a dairy issue. Try rice and beans. make a vegetable salad. Eat fresh fruits.

Annies 17

Gotta love it when you’re just trying to be healthy but your digestive system isn’t being a team player. In my case, I’m trying to gain weight because I’m underweight, but as soon as my body figured out what I was trying to do, it forced me to become nauseous and throw up any time I eat so much as one cracker.