By bummed - 10/01/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I finished up a week of this new "Liquid Foods" diet I learned about from a friend. After a week of denying myself of my favorite foods and eating only non-fat yoghurt and smoothies, I have not only gained 2 pounds, but have diarrhea. Just in time for my anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 425
You deserved it 31 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know better than to try fad diets. Most liquid foods are high fat anyway, so it's no wonder you gained weight. As for your diarrhea, what did you expect from not eating any solids?

Did you even bother researching it first? I mean I'm not a health nut, but all yoghurt and smoothies just sounds like a bad idea to begin with.


Lovely. I love when retards attempt different diet strategies without the help of an educated dietists hahahaha. Especially if they go on an all-carb or much-fat maverick diet. SO FUN TO SEE THEM BLOW UP LIKE BALOONS HAHAHA. They don't know the science behind these methods, they just go: "OH BOY?! I CAN GLUTTON ALL I WANT AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT? *OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM*! ahahaha

yupishi 2

OK, seriously? Most yoghurt and smoothies you can buy these days are filled with SUGAR which is at least as bad for weight gain as fat, if not worse, and has fewer all-round health benefits than pretty much anything else. Also, the diarrhea is probably from not getting any FIBRE. Moron!

Fad diets make me laugh. "Eat some fatty things that are bad for you, you'll totally lose weight, promise!" Eat less, exercise more.

eat all raw fruits and vegetables and eat poultry. exercise more. measure your portions. people eat mainly dairy when they are under weight to gain more. is this woman really your friend?

As others have said, you're an idiot OP.. Eat normal portions, don't eat junk food, and exercise. It's not a miracle that skinny people are skinny - it's common sense and eating properly.

Better advice - Don't take diet advice from people on the internet.

The way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you intake. This has been common knowledge for what, a century? Oh noes! That requires work! Thinking to measure my intake, and physical exertion to burn calories. Isn't there an easier way? One that doesn't require any effort? No. Eat sensibly, and go for walks. You don't even have to deprive yourself of the things that are bad for you, just limit your portions. For a snack, eat a snack size bag of potato chips instead of a Family size bag.

igroomdogs 0

liquid diet??? This seems rather obvious, but adult humans are meant to eat SOLID FOOD! That's why you have teeth. Also, most yogurt (re: the kinds that have flavor/fruit) is loaded with sugar (or artificial sweeteners) and is high in fat. The best yogurt (nutritionally speaking) is the one labeled "plain unsweetened" and trust me, it's boring. If you're going on a diet eat sensibly and consult your doctor or a dietician....both of whom will tell you that rapid weight loss and fad diets don't work and have the unhappy side effect of being really dangerous.

odddd, 2 weeks of liquid diet has made me lose 20 pounds. then again, i can't eat solid food and haven't been eating bad food. it's called carnation, learn it, live it, love it.

wtsc 0

YDI for not spelling "yogurt" right.

blahthing 0

FYL for not knowing that certain words can have different spelling variations. OP: That sounds like a horrible experience! FYL indeed.

hyperbolic_duck 0

And all British people stay cooped up in Britain. Yup.