The diet plan from hell

By Mustanggt - 01/11/2020 14:01 - United States - Rochester

Today, I learned that the vomiting and uncontrollable flatulence I've been suffering from is normal with my new diet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 855
You deserved it 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Had a similar experience turned out as an adult I've become more restricted in the amount of dairy my system can handle. If your diet includes dairy try some lactaid. Otherwise try a probiotic, should help. Though long term I think you'll be happier finding a diet you can handle naturally.


uh yeah that sounds like a quack diet that you learned from a flat earther with a tin foil hat. you might want to return to actually edible foods because clearly this diet is dangerous

diraven 15

Had a similar experience turned out as an adult I've become more restricted in the amount of dairy my system can handle. If your diet includes dairy try some lactaid. Otherwise try a probiotic, should help. Though long term I think you'll be happier finding a diet you can handle naturally.

Go back to your old diet of candy, bacon and beer.

Nhayaa 21

Well please tell us what is this new diet so we won't try it.

I am on a diet but don't suffer these symptoms. A diet doesn't have to be drastic. It's simply calories in Vs calories out.. reduce Ur calories by making healthier choices e.g. a toast/egg instead of cereals for breakfast etc

I tried the toast/egg thing. Turns out a toast with a fried egg on top contains more calories than a bowl of Cheerios. Check the calorie content of the food before you decide it's better that what you're actually eating. And don't forget to exercise!

you may be right - but eggs/toast is BETTER choice, fills you up for longer and has benefits vs a cereal..