By bummed - 10/01/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I finished up a week of this new "Liquid Foods" diet I learned about from a friend. After a week of denying myself of my favorite foods and eating only non-fat yoghurt and smoothies, I have not only gained 2 pounds, but have diarrhea. Just in time for my anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 425
You deserved it 31 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know better than to try fad diets. Most liquid foods are high fat anyway, so it's no wonder you gained weight. As for your diarrhea, what did you expect from not eating any solids?

Did you even bother researching it first? I mean I'm not a health nut, but all yoghurt and smoothies just sounds like a bad idea to begin with.


gatorgirl7563 22

It's not diarrhea. All liquid food = entirely liquid poop ummm... duh Losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. That's it. There is no 'secret' unless you are willing to do liposuction or take a maybe-unsafe diet pill. Being healthy is about having a well-rounded diet and eating a variety of healthy foods. For instance, it is important to eat differently colored fruits and veggies, not just always the same or similar ones, because the different colors represent the different nutrients inside them. In fact, I have to say that eating veggies -- along with smaller portion size -- has been the biggest factor in my weight loss. Veggies are filling when you are hungry, are not high in calories but are high in nutrients and have lots of fiber, which keeps a person making regular trips to the bathroom and not being constipated. I snack on veggies instead of potato chips, usually. Take it from someone who just lost their 37th pound. It's hard and sometimes sweaty and takes self-control and restraint.