No pain, no gain

By skinny & doomed - 06/06/2021 20:01

Today, after two full months of trying to gain weight, I haven’t gained a single pound. Instead, I now have severe and irreversible digestive problems from overeating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 872
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ambrily 27

That is why nutritionists and dietitians exist, and you should always consult with them before going on a dieting journey.

Ya don't gain weight over eating by itself. You've gotta eat specific foods, and you gotta make sure you're not expending more than the amount in energy. So find fattier foods, you might be eating too much fiber which can be a significant change.


Ambrily 27

That is why nutritionists and dietitians exist, and you should always consult with them before going on a dieting journey.

Ya don't gain weight over eating by itself. You've gotta eat specific foods, and you gotta make sure you're not expending more than the amount in energy. So find fattier foods, you might be eating too much fiber which can be a significant change.

Although I sympathize, I really can't believe that this is irreversible. Seriously. People lose and gain hundreds and even thousands of pounds.

bleachedraven 14

I would hope the damage would be reversible. Maybe op is exaggerating for fml?

Thousands of pounds?! You know that we're humans here, and not whales, elephants, walruses or the like?

Try going to a gym? Muscles weigh more than fat.

slkeithh 14

Completely unhelpful. You will actually go into renal failure if you have too much muscle and no body fat to expend for energy. I don't think this post is about gaining muscle mass. Please think before you speak.

If op is eating enough to balance out the calories spent, that would be the energy source and not the nonexistent fat

bleachedraven 14

Not gaining a single pound is heart breaking when quality of life is hindered without it. Eat healthy & keep good thoughts, you can achieve it.