By ForSeriousReally - 11/06/2016 17:48 - Canada - Ponoka

Today, I was outside using a power sander. I forgot to put on mosquito repellent and a mosquito started biting me. My only somewhat-free hand was holding the power sander. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 949
You deserved it 2 748

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Top comments

If you flex hard enough while a mosquito is biting you it will explode

On the bright side, at least the sound of the sander must have masked the annoying little buzz mosquitos make ;D


Why didn't you just let go of the power sander

You're lucky that the mosquito wasn't biting your damn face then.

"How'd you get that scar?" "oh, a mosquito bit me" "..."

sonasonic 34

Great conversation starter for dummies.

I think you just invented a new kind of torture...

On the bright side, at least the sound of the sander must have masked the annoying little buzz mosquitos make ;D

If you flex hard enough while a mosquito is biting you it will explode

Is an unfortunately untrue urban legend... Though that would be awesome if it was real!

I mean wouldn't it make sense? pressure of blood

The way I see it (and I am in no way an expert) a mosquito would only suck blood out of veins, since they are superficial, and not arteries, which most of the time lie deeper. Since the blood in the veins is on its way back to the heart, the pressure there is fairly low. Now if the mosquito did manage to hit an artery, the chances are higher that this might happen. However, I still don't know if the pressure would be enough.

tina72us 9

Wait...what? How does flexing your muscles involve your arteries or veins? They are actually sucking blood out of capillaries, unless you are being bit by vampire mosquitos....

Sounds like your well prepared for the itch... Sanding it away

Oh boy...At least you killed it. Unless you somehow missed.

Well.. It depends on where it was biting you