By bummed - 10/01/2010 05:35 - United States

Today, I finished up a week of this new "Liquid Foods" diet I learned about from a friend. After a week of denying myself of my favorite foods and eating only non-fat yoghurt and smoothies, I have not only gained 2 pounds, but have diarrhea. Just in time for my anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 425
You deserved it 31 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should know better than to try fad diets. Most liquid foods are high fat anyway, so it's no wonder you gained weight. As for your diarrhea, what did you expect from not eating any solids?

Did you even bother researching it first? I mean I'm not a health nut, but all yoghurt and smoothies just sounds like a bad idea to begin with.


first and foremost, never ever follow a 'fad diet' they don't work.. ever! second, that does suck lol and 3rd; protein shakes, and smoothies are used to replace A meal.. not to live on.. yes i am a personal trainer and it sounds like u could use some educated advice.

dochoc_fml 0

why didn't you just try exercise?

non-fat yoghurts are full of aspartame- it makes you more hungry.

I came up with an inequality that is guaranteed to give you results: Calories taken in < Calories burned. If you can't handle that than stop your ******* bitching.

bds_fml 0

Ugh, YDI for actually thinking that these "fad diets" as they're called, actually work. The only real way to lose weight is exercise and proper eating, which doesn't mean cutting out all of one thing, or eating only one thing.

ever heard of diet and exercise? its amazing how people still don't know that it is the best way to loose weight...

onceuponapenis 0

you deserve this just for spelling yogurt wrong lol

FYI; it's spelled "yoghurt". Coming from the Turkish 'yoğurt' ("ğ" => "gh"). You sir, are a moron.

You don't lose weight though a diet, you lose weight through sports.