By Geez - 19/10/2009 17:02 - Netherlands

Today, I finally got intimate with my girlfriend, the girl of my dreams. I undressed and, ready to step in bed with her, I see her staring at 'it'. Which was quickly followed by laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 178
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnabout is fair play. Point at her boobs and laugh.

lolz that sucks xD all you gotta tell her is..."baby it's not about the size of the boat but the motion in the ocean" :D than stick it in her mouth lolz


randomchick15 0

Maybe she remembered a joke, or maybe ur small

The girl of your dreams doesn't treat you like that. I'd have told her to get her fat ass out of my bed and never spoken to her again. Tell her that her ****** reminds you of a bulldog eating mayonnaise and that you are unsettled by looking at it.

**** people and this whole "it needs to be big" bullshit. vags come in all sizes too. I for one am scared as shit of having sex with my boyfriend because he's HUGE and im tiny. Dont worry bout it, not all wemon are loose and flappy.

Call her a fat cow that should even the playing field

She was probably...uh...intimidated by the size of it. That's it!

what's he supposed to do?! yell at it till it gets bigger? everyone get a bad hand once in their lives, he got not huge dick but will probably miss getting cancer our something Shitty.

tastychickens 13

Did you laugh at how huge and worn out her ****** was? Her laughter tells me she needs something the size an arm to satisfy her! What a bitch.