By Geez - 19/10/2009 17:02 - Netherlands

Today, I finally got intimate with my girlfriend, the girl of my dreams. I undressed and, ready to step in bed with her, I see her staring at 'it'. Which was quickly followed by laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 178
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turnabout is fair play. Point at her boobs and laugh.

lolz that sucks xD all you gotta tell her is..."baby it's not about the size of the boat but the motion in the ocean" :D than stick it in her mouth lolz


That's so ******* harsh, i would just point and laugh at her **** or something. I'm pretty sure I am about average length and i'm proud to be. i wouldn't care if it was smaller either doesn't really matter most of the important nerve endings are only 1 inch inside the ******, so you dont really need anything big to pleasure her.

Unless she one of those girls that get no pleasure from vaginal stimulation... maybe all that works for her is clitoral stimuli... Not making any escuses for her being stupid with the fellow. Small penis or not, is she even good in bed? Odds are is she's so used to being the person being pleasured she doesn't know how to please a man. In which case id say that broad sucks at sex...

i did something similar, in a professional setting. no laughing but i said, "Is that it?" when i looked at it :D i didnt realize what i said because i was in gross in learning a new skill. But he said, "I've gotten better responses than that before" ........blushhhhh :D :D :D oops!!!!

YDI for being tiny and it really is your junior in this case.

cutiepie11 0

man, does this turn me on. even thou I'm a virgain, but vibarters are nice!!:))

yup he totally chose his "rod" size. idiots