By Fingkids - 25/09/2012 01:51 - United States

Today, I fell asleep at work and woke up with penis sharpied on my face. I'm a kindergarten teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 301
You deserved it 33 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_dont_fml_ 1

i don't think kindergarten teachers should be sleeping at work.....

RockstarRN 10

What the heck are you doing falling asleep at work if you are suppose to be teaching kids??


And teachers want to be paid more?! Going on strike and making demands... HA!

nightowl713 25

Just because ONE teacher messed up, doesn't mean all teachers are bad. Teachers do deserve more pay. They are the reason you even know how to form that sentence you just posted. Teaching is an exhausting and very trying responsibility. They deserve way more credit than you are giving them!

avatar0810 15

I never had nap time so I wouldn't know.

What a stupi bloody teacher OP shouldn't even have a job after this should be fired

I am shocked you have a job. If my child were in your class a penis drawing on your face would be the least of your concerns.

Don't blame the kids when you are a shitty teacher. Your name shouldn't be FingKids it should be NowUnemployedForSleeping at work.

No OP, FYL the next time you fall asleep and one of your students goes missing! Great job there, hope you don't have tenure

shawnagreenbean1 9

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha That is all I have to say on the matter.

day624 14

YDI for sleeping when you should have been watching the kids!

67- If that's true - which I doubt - it's borderline abuse.