By Anonymous - 29/08/2017 16:00

Today, I fell asleep on the way to a pool party and woke up covered in sharpie swastikas and dicks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 377
You deserved it 1 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sumocj 14

Party rule #1 never fall asleep first

Plus side: it's a pool party, so the chlorine in the water should make it all come off pretty easy.


While dicks are common and classic, the swastikas were uncalled for.

sumocj 14

Party rule #1 never fall asleep first

Is this going to turn into one of those "I wasn't THAT drunk" type stories?

Plus side: it's a pool party, so the chlorine in the water should make it all come off pretty easy.

I guess the political statement is white supremacists are dicks? Are you partying with Antifa?

Fell asleep? Or passed out? There is a difference....

Lobby_Bee 17

Let me get this straight, on the way to the pool party means you technically aren't there yet? So random strangers put graffiti on your body? That sounds strange.

If that's what happens on the way there, I would say you're lucky you didn't make it there

Isa_fml 20

Funny, usually that happens AFTER you get to the party. Usually when you've already been there for a while.