By cachucy - 18/03/2012 15:04 - United States - Geneva
Same thing different taste
By bossgroper - 23/07/2009 20:23 - United States
Quite the handful
By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 04:46 - United States
By VelociTheRaptor - 23/05/2017 02:00
By fired101 - 08/02/2010 06:04 - France
Butter fingers
By flop of shame - 17/08/2019 16:00
By Walk of Shame - 13/11/2018 22:00
By gmian - 06/12/2015 05:06 - United States - Amherst
By KN - 25/06/2009 14:13 - United States
By embarrassed - 20/12/2010 14:51 - United States
Slippery when oiled
By Anonymous - 03/07/2022 12:00
Top comments
Nice catch.
Sure, you "accidentally" grabbed his crotch - I see what you did.
Instant pay rise
wow what a ****!
I want to see how many dislikes I can ge for that comment lol
Who said OP's a girl?
I agree! Perhaps we sense a raise in your near future?! ;)
Wow, that must've been hard. Lol I laugh at my own joke.
Nice boobage NinjaCat...
Ummm would you like me to compliment you too 104?? Hmmm okay nice red hair 104. :)
The boss probably thinks so.
Your 6-month plan to get your the boss on your side worked. After months of organization, the Fake-a-fall-and-grab-at-junk plan finally came through for you. Mission success.
No pay raise if OP is a girl
*i mean guy haha total space cadet moment
get it in!
^this is the result of a fool trying to write a troll #1 comment.
I see a promotion in the near future;)
By commenting? Of course.
You thread jack through commenting... How else would you do it? Ugh, some people.
Why are people threadjacking the thread concerning threadjacking?
Dishes taste like pineapple.
I like rice
Disregard this comment. It's been typed in invisible text.
Still can't see it....
You needed a walking stick.
Why, 14? Nothing implies the sexual identity, orientation nor preference of the two people spoken.
Maybe OP needs a walking frame, they don't make walking sticks like they used to!
81- youre trying too hard
Also, grabbing a female junk while falling is slightly, slightly impossiburu.
^ it's called a joke
You're sure to get the job now!
Well he already unintentionally gave his soon-to-be boss a "job", so it only makes sense to repay the favor ;).
She's getting the job and their both getting a raise! Ba dum chshh
Dammit! But for the record I can distinguish between the different "there's." If I noticed the mistake I would have fixed it. Nevertheless I must resign from my previous role as a grammar nazi.
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk...
Wrong side
Don't know how I missed the word "junk" in the fml
Imma imma get you drunk! Get you love drunk off my humps!
144- Nobody is "thump"ing it down.
Just pretend you meant to do the worm
He must be hung like an anaconda for you to catch that. I see some late nights at the office in your future.
hopefully OP gets some overtime pay ;)
Thanks for that mental picture, Doc. But you're the first person today who made me laugh, so +1 to you, sir :).
I think they have a name for being paid for sex.
Hey, OP never said where he/she works ;)
You stupid people. Doc was obviously meaning to say the guy had an anaconda for a penis, not a penis that resembles an anaconda's actual snakey penis, whatever awkward reptilian freakshow that may be. the guy kills people by strangulation with his penis, like an anaconda. Anacondas use their bodies.
Bet the boss hopes it wasnt an accident ;)

Nice catch.
He must be hung like an anaconda for you to catch that. I see some late nights at the office in your future.