By akosirm - 25/09/2012 02:28 - Philippines

Today, I was going to a big concert at my university. I paid around a hundred twenty bucks for my ticket. Outside the venue, people were handing out the tickets. For free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 338
You deserved it 13 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to take all those tickets and demand payment. :] If that doesn't work, male prostitution is a growing business.

lem0n_fml 0

My university lets us go to the concerts there for free. :)


lem0n_fml 0

My university lets us go to the concerts there for free. :)

Are they any good? The free concerts at my school are crap lol

Michigan State got a Nas concert for free last year, so no, they don't suck

you don't win for that, that is a HUGE loss. have fun when you get out and realize that you can't compete with the people who paid for their secondary education and got what they paid for, unlike you who pretty got nothing out of that.

Poke_my_mon 0

Who says that because he didn't pay, he's getting a different education? He could be getting the same education that most people paid for, just free because he's a sucked off the right people, got a scholarship or sucked off the wrong people who sucked off the right people for him. You never know.

well i went to a big concert at an entertainment centre (an arena) in australia and payed $150 for it and because of the lack of turn up, they gave out free tickets =/

YDI for being a poser / douchebag who goes to concerts

lem0n_fml 0

Sometimes their bad, sometimes their good. Hot hot heat was a disappointment, GirlTalk was amazing. Sure, they're not HUGE bands that we get, but they're fun. :)

uknorob 0

anyone notice that his location says phillipeans (bad spelling) what university was he at I wonder

sebster5858 0

#32 no ur gay. go bak to mexico

hah. and i bet the band sucks too. ydi

What is up with all the spammers and twats this morning?

Wow, that sucks. You got ripped off hardcore.

StingMunFizzy 0

I would have been all like " I DEMAND A REFUND! " and slam my fist down on the table

Sun_Kissed18 25

It was probably another student looking to make a quick buck, not the university itself so I doubt he would be able to lol

mcsnelly 5 would they be making "a quick buck" if they handed out the tickets for free?

he meant the person who sold it to him for $120 not the people giving them away

Time to take all those tickets and demand payment. :] If that doesn't work, male prostitution is a growing business.

imblue 0

You are a stupid, stupid man.

KnotSlipKnoTSiC 0

YDI for being a dirty ******. filipinos are way worse than spics

I didn't realise anyone over the age of twelve listened to them. My bad.

woahZERO 0

LOL. FYL. you should've tried checking how much is the tickets at your venue first.