By Fingkids - 25/09/2012 01:51 - United States

Today, I fell asleep at work and woke up with penis sharpied on my face. I'm a kindergarten teacher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 301
You deserved it 33 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_dont_fml_ 1

i don't think kindergarten teachers should be sleeping at work.....

RockstarRN 10

What the heck are you doing falling asleep at work if you are suppose to be teaching kids??


loccsta83 5
Gemini_Jordan 0

piece of shit people like you are the reason so many kids are home schooled! get your shit together & be an adult!

maybso 0

well maybe another teacher seen you asleep an drew it for not doing your job!!!

She most likely feel asleep durning nap time. You have to lay there and stair down certain student or else the stay awake. My boss had to wake me up once also.

ElishaisSexy2016 9

Ummmm.... Wtf are u doing sleeping with 5/6 year olds around anyways.... FIRED!

krs7g4 8

How the hell did you fall asleep in your classroom?

pickleblossom27 0

**** your students' lives. it sounds to me like you're a terrible teacher. If you're that tired, you should hire a sub and go on. Think about your responsibilty. And the repercussions that could occur.

It might of been one of the older students at your school. Perhaps one of your students brothers? Otherwise, maybe a coworker who thought it would make a funny joke. Kindergarteners don't even know how to color within the lines.

doglover100 28