By canucks_chick - 23/10/2011 05:45 - Canada

Today, I dislocated my jaw while giving my boyfriend a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 638
You deserved it 21 039

Same thing different taste


Dan girl, while your out of action can I fill in?? would love to see his "package"

How the f*** can that happen? My hubby's huge and that doesn't happen with me 0.0

Well at least your dedicated, He must be very appreciative!

savyk2014 6

Either you have a small ass mouth, or he's got one huge ass dick!!!

LOL, did you never hear of taking breaks when your mouth/throat got sore? You need to find things to do to relax your jaw if it's going to be a long session.

Damn girl, i think you might be going a little too hard on this. #305 is right.