By canucks_chick - 23/10/2011 05:45 - Canada

Today, I dislocated my jaw while giving my boyfriend a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 638
You deserved it 21 039

Same thing different taste


Ambsies1574 0

You need to learn to unhinge your jaw

have fun telling people how that one happened.

jokebatblink 0

Thts pretty ****** up,but erotic

blowntegdb8 5

A+ for effort. Another A to show me

Who told you that you had to fit both balls in too?! Interesting story for your friends at least lol

xsaschax 11

My jaw dislocates easily..Pretty much gets off-track every time I yawn. Oral sex gets complicated :(

imagine having to explain that to your doctor...

Akasen 1

This sounds familiar. Have we not had previous cases of people dislocating their jaws in this situation?