By canucks_chick - 23/10/2011 05:45 - Canada

Today, I dislocated my jaw while giving my boyfriend a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 638
You deserved it 21 039

Same thing different taste


God bless u for trying...dont give up!...NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Good work! Can you come teach my girlfriend through demonstration?

I modded this and reading it again, it still makes me laugh so hard. You must be on dedicated fellator.

Was it general girth that unhinged you, or did Rover develop a knot?

torianab 7

That really caSucks_chick!!!

Holy ****... You're boyfriend has got to be either the proudest man alive... Or you ****** up and hurt both yourselves. With you in more pain, obviously.