By mybossisanass - 23/04/2013 08:17 - United States

Today, I discovered why my boss kept on scheduling me to work doubles almost every day. It wasn't because she knew I needed the extra money; she was hoping that my boyfriend would break up with me because I'm never home, and date her instead. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 071
You deserved it 4 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

That's F'ed up on so many levels. Time for you to find a new job and, apparently, a new boy friend.

If your boyfriend still decides to leave you after this is explained, he didn't need to stay your boyfriend anyway.


Some people can just be so nasty!! I am sorry OP, no one should ever be made to feel like that. I wish you luck and hope you find a better job, where the boss isnt a nasty person and you will find a better boyfriend!

Is your ex the one who wrote an FML a while back complaining about his girlfriend taking extra shifts? That would be something.

Now try to take her job. Or get her fired for not working enough.

ezrajab 22

I remember reading that one!

jem970 19

So now you're dating your boss? .....Awkward.....

1) Scroll up. 2) Read the FML. 3) Scroll down. 4) Read your comment again. 5) Hang your head in shame.

I'm baffled as to how you got that from this fml...

This was asked and answered several comments ago. Please read carefully and make sure you actually understand what was said before you hold yourself up to be pointed at and ridiculed

jem970 19

1. Didn't read all the comments 2. I read the FML and was kidding 3. I don't really care? This is FML. A few negative comments and thumbs down won't kill me 4. **** off 5. Have a nice day

perdix 29

Nice name, not only IS your boss an ass, butt she also HAS a better one than you, as determined by a one-judge panel consisting of your ex-boyfriend. I wonder if he is why she hired you in the first place.

Not sure if that "butt" was a pun or a typo, but bravo regardless.

perdix 29

#57, it's a pun and thank you for not saying "irregardless!" :D

perdix 29

#43, agreed. But, you've gotta admit, she's a pretty clever bitch.

To #44: I read your comment in the voice of the man from Jurassic Park: "Clever girl."