By mybossisanass - 23/04/2013 08:17 - United States

Today, I discovered why my boss kept on scheduling me to work doubles almost every day. It wasn't because she knew I needed the extra money; she was hoping that my boyfriend would break up with me because I'm never home, and date her instead. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 071
You deserved it 4 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

That's F'ed up on so many levels. Time for you to find a new job and, apparently, a new boy friend.

If your boyfriend still decides to leave you after this is explained, he didn't need to stay your boyfriend anyway.


Normally I don't think people should be violent, but in this case I'll make an exception. I want you to quit then as soon as what's done is done you jump over her desk and rip her hair out. Literally.

So, you're single now? *wink wink* *giggity giggity*

ileenefudge 29

Your boss is one of those stupid ****** who have nothing better to do than to hit on and take guys that are already taken even though there are plenty of single guys around to go out with them. I know how it feels except it was a fellow employee that got too close to my son and his dad, and needless to say he decided to be with her. shouldn't you be able to report her to someone higher up about this?

what the hell is wrong with the world, trust doesn't exsist anymore how sad

implastikz 7

kick his ass outta your place

Get ride of your boss l. Cement blocks and a river

Jodiannnnn 4

am I the only one wondering if this person is a boy or girl? the boss, "her" got the boyfriend "him" to break up with this person

Not sure what's confusing to you. It's written by a woman (as specified below the FML) whose boss is a woman and suceeded in stealing OP's boyfriend.

# 1 hardest FML for apparently everyone else in the world to decipher. it are.