By fashionVictim - 08/03/2009 20:35 - United States

Today, a guy informed me that the cute, really tiny little leather bracelet with little silver hearts and several snaps that I'd found in a head shop is actually a cock ring. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 664
You deserved it 13 005

Same thing different taste

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You either have a wrist the size of a baby, or this is for an extremely well endowed male!

fb_fml 0

#3 - maybe it has "several snaps" to adjust the size and she had it on the largest?


1-she was wearing a **** ring around her wrist

Me either. As long as it was new and unworn by a dick, who cares?

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You either have a wrist the size of a baby, or this is for an extremely well endowed male!

L0VExoxo 10

that's what I was thinking

fb_fml 0

#3 - maybe it has "several snaps" to adjust the size and she had it on the largest?

Ch_rae5 19

that's what I was thinking too! but whoever can fit that last snap must be pretty confident:)

videogame_loser 0

I mean, that is a common misconception right?

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Akalia_fml 7

I can't stop GIGGLING either. :0)

blahblahblah44 0

how is this a fml? it's just a funny story..

shouldve asked where you could get more, if it was that cute.

i don't even know how this would work. i have the tiniest wrists/hands. bracelets are always too big & bangles just fall off, but i once tried to put my ex's **** ring on my wrist as a joke and it felt like it was going to cut off the circulation... so wtffff?

Maybe it was one of those **** rings that goes around the balls too...? Perhaps then it would be big enough to fit on OP's wrist.