By supervisor - 06/11/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, at work I wrote up my boyfriend (whom I've been secretly dating, because I'm his supervisor) for being $40 short on his register. Our policy is to write up anyone short over $10. He got mad and told my boss we're dating, and I was instantly fired. Then I got dumped for being a "tattle-tale". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 923
You deserved it 18 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is obviously to immature to understand the importance of having the correct amount of money in the till and the fact you have to do your job and properly to. You will find someone with the same mentality no doubt and will be better off without the other guy.

No way! You should've taken more money out and mentioned to your boss he was stealing out of the till. If you'd done that you'd be rid of him, still have a job, and have some extra spending money.


Reyo 2

OP: Now do you know why they shun upon workspace relationships? I hope you learn from this experience...though you should've known already.

TheBitchOfChuckN 7

I would lie and get your job back.

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He is obviously to immature to understand the importance of having the correct amount of money in the till and the fact you have to do your job and properly to. You will find someone with the same mentality no doubt and will be better off without the other guy.

And the computer any will no doubt find a supervisor who will be harder on him than she was, so he screwed up his own life too.

perdix 29

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No way! You should've taken more money out and mentioned to your boss he was stealing out of the till. If you'd done that you'd be rid of him, still have a job, and have some extra spending money.

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perdix 29

It's tattle-TALE. And why are you picking on short people?

perdix 29

It originally said "tattle-tail" but the grammar police quietly fixed it and made me look stupid.

perdix 29

Maybe you guys could put a notation that a post was edited so everyone can be right. I normally don't point out errors like this, but the difference between "tattle-tail" and "tattle-tale" is way beyond a mere typo, it's a conceptual FAIL. I'm just trying to prevent those fights where someone sees the original version, points out the error and then someone who sees the corrected version writes, "It clearly says. . ." Love the work your doing. Keep it up.

Well, if the grammar police were here, then they should of spelled it right. Tattletale. No hyphen.Tattle-tale is not a word.

If the grammar police were really here, and not just some pretenders, then they would know that "should of" makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It should be "should have." Seriously, how the hell do you even think of "should of"?

Well, dude, I'm not the grammar police. That's obvious. You should of known that.

amen - I knew someone should HAVE pointed that out

The dude's a prick, and you should be glad you're rid of him, if short a job. Nobody mature over the age of 10 uses the term "tattle-tail". I've seen even 11 year olds make the switch to "snitch". Plus there probably wasn't too much to your relationship to break it off like that. You should do what my sister does and get one of your female friends to go in and claim he harassed her.

That would actually make her worse than her ex-boyfriend if she did that, and your sister sounds like a disgusting excuse for a human if she has somebody falsely accused of harassment just because he was an asshole and didn’t actually harass her.

dudeitsdanny 9

She should have also reported herself for violating what seems to be a rule. OP: YD the firing But FYL for getting dumped over this. Was he fired also?

Wait a come YOU got fired...but he didn't?

...because she was management and he wasn't. He could sue for sexual harassment over being fired now. As management, she should have known better and exercised proper judgement, and protected her company from potential liability. They were right to can her. But the guy is still a douchebag, and I'm sure they'll find a way to get rid of him soon. They have to do it in a way that doesn't look retalliatory or anything.

Dudes like this raise the red flag for being an immature bag of shit the moment any conflict between you arises, and this couldn't have been the first one. Should've dumped him then. If you have any possessions at his place, or any naughty photos, the spiteful acts aren't over yet.