By mybossisanass - 23/04/2013 08:17 - United States

Today, I discovered why my boss kept on scheduling me to work doubles almost every day. It wasn't because she knew I needed the extra money; she was hoping that my boyfriend would break up with me because I'm never home, and date her instead. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 071
You deserved it 4 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

That's F'ed up on so many levels. Time for you to find a new job and, apparently, a new boy friend.

If your boyfriend still decides to leave you after this is explained, he didn't need to stay your boyfriend anyway.


TheyCallMeDamien 17

Report her to HR. Take solace in the fact their relationship will more than likely fail because relationships are built on trust and they both know the other devious. I believe a statistic stated that more than 90% of relationships that began in infidelity failed.

thejimler 9

Might be hard to report her to HR if she is the HR... and the owner in general if its a small business. If it is a small business you could hurt them by letting word get around that she forced an employee to work around the clock in order to seduce her boyfriend whilst she was busy. Nothing says payback like a ruined business and former friends and family disassociating with you.

That's horrible! I'm sorry OP, you'll find a better bf who will appreciate you working so hard and hopefully a better boss too.

finch01 18

and now that she has him u will go back to normal hours

It is time to watch horrible bosses again it either make you feel better or empathize with the characters.

You said it worked... Is it then fair to assume you are now dating your boss because of the heartbreak? :)

Huh? I would read the post again because you misunderstood what happened.

foxtrousers 14

I'd be that spiteful ex that pokes holes in all their tires. "No, I couldn't have done it, I was working while you were banging my ex"

Bitch move, but you got lucky, OP. You have more money, and she has an asshole boyfriend who would leave a woman for her boss.

Sweety don't stunt either one if those lozers!.....somebody better is out there for you and karma is out there for them....#smilesAllAround :-D

What the hell is a lozer? is that street for lozenge?