By mybossisanass - 23/04/2013 08:17 - United States

Today, I discovered why my boss kept on scheduling me to work doubles almost every day. It wasn't because she knew I needed the extra money; she was hoping that my boyfriend would break up with me because I'm never home, and date her instead. It worked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 071
You deserved it 4 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

That's F'ed up on so many levels. Time for you to find a new job and, apparently, a new boy friend.

If your boyfriend still decides to leave you after this is explained, he didn't need to stay your boyfriend anyway.


That makes sense go out with the psycho boss that's causing your girlfriend to work so much..... I would have told my boss I am unable to work and if that was a problem I would quit. Shitty boss, and a misunderstanding boyfriend, lucky you.

Outhouse_Pete 4

time to go blu cantrell on his ass.

PhishloverA 14

Please read the FML again. I think you misunderstood it.

If he was so willing to leave you, this probably just saved you from a worse breakup down the road. What an asshole he is

That's some serious fuckery and abuse of power... Smdh...

what a manipulative bitch. may her soul rot away in Hell.

Tim2415 16

Clever idea, but a dick move..

While I understand no one likes feeling as if their partner values their job more than them, if your boyfriend knows how manipulative she was and still left you for her then he is an ass. Fyl OP, they're not worth your time anyways.