By meow - 16/07/2019 18:30

Today, I found out my boss hired literally the only person in this town who is an ex-boyfriend. I also work with my current boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 623
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I said that OP was being literally redundant, would that be literally redundant?

Is there figuratively an only person in town who is an ex-boyfriend, or are you just using “literally” for literally no reason?


Is there figuratively an only person in town who is an ex-boyfriend, or are you just using “literally” for literally no reason?

If I said that OP was being literally redundant, would that be literally redundant?

Might have hired him to make him feel better, since he’s the only person to ever be dumped in your town. Now that’s a real FML.

I hate to break it to you, but ex-boyfriends need jobs too.

Nhayaa 21

That's what happens when you always date the same kind of people... same jobs, same places...