
By Anonymous - 22/06/2023 15:00

Today, I left my husband in charge of the house for a day. When I returned, I saw him gaming through the window, so I stormed in and yelled at him. Then, my eyes adjusted, and I saw the neatly folded laundry, clean kitchen, vacuumed rugs, and my son, who was asleep until I woke him. Whoops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 103
You deserved it 2 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what's your problem? video games aren't bad and obviously it didn't detract from his work.

Sounds like you set him up for failure, and didn’t get the desired results. You suck.


Sounds like you set him up for failure, and didn’t get the desired results. You suck.

what's your problem? video games aren't bad and obviously it didn't detract from his work.

Seriously, people never take in the whole situation before leaping to a conclusion. I've done it, countless times though recently, I've lessened the amount of times I looked like an ass by simply stopping and taking in all or as much of the situation I need to in order to make an educated guess. If your husband is generally lazy in regards to house chores and this is one of the rare occasions he has got something done, then I understand. If not, and he is actually very active in regards to house chores, what was the reason to go full-bore and into the abyss on him?

It’s almost as though some people *can* combine playing video games and their daily responsibilities, who’da thunk

it's almost like with you out of the way the house was clean.

Back when I was still in school and my wife worked I kept the house clean, daughter fed, laundry done and put away. EVERY DAY. That included daily vacuuming. Add to that my school work was done and my daughter and I would watch some shows together with dinner ready when she got home. I know you may not like to hear that father's can be responsible and efficient, but it happens. Quit watching TV shows that bash the father as an incompetent moron.

lalalaila777 24

even if he is a slob who never cleans, don't assume anything to look stupid in front of your son, he will lose respect for you and think youre an idiot, and not follow your advice in the future, for good reason

You're the absolute worst kind of significant other. F his life honestly.

you're abusive. I wouldn't want to marry someone like you in the future

Did you learn anything from this? Emotional abuse of men is commonplace, and you're guilty. How would you feel if your husband screamed at you if you were having a cup of coffee to relax or reading a magazine?