Your music's shite, mate

By MyCatFromHell - 08/04/2021 22:59 - Brazil

Today, after suffering from a serious case of my cats always chewing my earphones, after many eaten cords, I finally got a bluetooth headphone. My cat peed on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 917
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep them in the box? Or at least in a drawer? Or train your cat better? Mine has never pissed in the house. Plenty of dead/dying birds and rats, but she always goes cat potty outside, like she was trained to do.

Sentient beings (friends, family, pets) are prone to jealousy. The people or pets who love you want to monopolize your attention sometimes. If you tune out your cat when you put your earphones on they will notice that and react in ways to show their displeasure. Much of what little I know about dealing with women I learned from dealing with my Mom’s cat when I was growing up. Give them the attention they want when they want it and your life will be easier. Ignore them when they want attention and then expect them to be friendly when you want to be friends and they will get back at you eventually. One final piece of advice - To get them to come to you do something that catches their interest. Chase them against their will and they will run away or attack if cornered.


Keep them in the box? Or at least in a drawer? Or train your cat better? Mine has never pissed in the house. Plenty of dead/dying birds and rats, but she always goes cat potty outside, like she was trained to do.

Sentient beings (friends, family, pets) are prone to jealousy. The people or pets who love you want to monopolize your attention sometimes. If you tune out your cat when you put your earphones on they will notice that and react in ways to show their displeasure. Much of what little I know about dealing with women I learned from dealing with my Mom’s cat when I was growing up. Give them the attention they want when they want it and your life will be easier. Ignore them when they want attention and then expect them to be friendly when you want to be friends and they will get back at you eventually. One final piece of advice - To get them to come to you do something that catches their interest. Chase them against their will and they will run away or attack if cornered.

You own not just one, but multiple hellspawn. YDI.

Yummi_913 18

Two issues here. You're leaving your stuff laying around irresponsibly. And your cat(s) aren't getting the proper entertainment and care to nip their bad habits in the butt. With cats you want to give new opportunity when you take one away. You take a "toy" they're not supposed to have, you give a toy they CAN have. That's just how cats work and you use a similar tactic if they scratch furniture. The peeing thing is also an issue. Scoop their litter more and get them checked at the doc to make sure it's not related to a health issue. Cats don't *want* to pee on your stuff - they do it when something isn't right. - I worked with animals on a professional level and used to be the cat lady with 9+ cats at a time, so I've had my fair share of dealing with their nonsense and solving it.