By Bad Cat - 29/05/2019 14:00

Today, I saw my cat playing in the other room. Fascinated, I watched him for a few minutes before I realized he was playing with one of my daughter's fish. Well, what was left of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 737
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cat 1: “I still don’t know why human yelled at me...” Cat 2: “tell me what happened...” Cat 1: “The humans were sitting around the table with these pieces of paper, they just kept saying *go fish*, I just wanted to show them how to properly do it” ;(

Cats are killing machines. Are you just learning this? The King of the Jungle is not an elephant, a bear or a dog ancestor.


Cats are killing machines. Are you just learning this? The King of the Jungle is not an elephant, a bear or a dog ancestor.

Cat 1: “I still don’t know why human yelled at me...” Cat 2: “tell me what happened...” Cat 1: “The humans were sitting around the table with these pieces of paper, they just kept saying *go fish*, I just wanted to show them how to properly do it” ;(

At least your daughter didn’t see this. Go buy a similar one & she’ll be none the wiser.