By Dammit - 15/08/2009 05:22 - Canada

Today, I decided to be safe and tested a small dime-sized amount of Nair on my inner arm before using it. I didn't react badly. But as soon as it was washed off from my down-there hair I sure as hell reacted, with small bumpy red dots that look like an STD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 471
You deserved it 13 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not supposed to use it on your vj, dumbass. the skin there is so much more sensitive than the rest of your body. YDI for not reading the ******* label.

I thought they had special Nair for the bikini line and pubic hair? You aren't supposed to use the normal one, it can make you bleed among other things. But even if you didn't, still. That sucks. Waxing is a good alternative.


you're not supposed to use it on your vj, dumbass. the skin there is so much more sensitive than the rest of your body. YDI for not reading the ******* label.

Thank you, #3. OP, even if you had just used a razor for the first time, you would have gotten those red bumps. Your skin down there is super-sensitive and it takes a long time for it to adjust. Why does nobody search for advice before doing this type of shit? It seems people on here do all sorts of stupid crap solely out of ignorance. GET A FRIEND, PEOPLE!

Is it any wonder why manufacturers have to create the most mundane asinine labels to protect themselves legally from morons like OP?

Agreed. The OP is an idiot. And I love your username, asmadasrabbits. Panic at the disco?

sendboot2 4

Actually you can use it on your bikini line but to get rid of the bumps there is a cream

finalyearsofhate 22

Actually, it says right in the bottle NOT to use it there.

#3 and #176 honestly, on the label it says the instructions but it doesn't say "do not use on bikini line areas" until you get further down the label. OP, you're not the only one that's happened to. Just like every girl will tell you, regardless if it's Nair or a razor, you'll get those bumps regardless. I use NAIR to get rid of the "down there" hair every time. It doesn't bother me and I don't have a negative reaction. Labels can tell you a lot, doesn't mean you gotta follow em.

I thought they had special Nair for the bikini line and pubic hair? You aren't supposed to use the normal one, it can make you bleed among other things. But even if you didn't, still. That sucks. Waxing is a good alternative.

YB_SaraFOL 0

you do but it sucks. you might aswell shave. Plus Nair leaves you with thicker hair and it sucks. Epilating FTW.

supercatgirl 0

since when did nair start leaving thicker hair? i would have to use it a lot more often if it did. right now it every 4-6 weeks when it starts to be noticable

supercatgirl 0

since when did nair leave you with thicker hair. if it did i woudl have to do it a lto more often then the 4-6 weeks now when it starts to become notable and prickly

supercatgirl 0

augh stupid computer double posting... can't find away to delete it :/

vampvalencia 0

That wasnt the computer "double posting" because you posted two different things, dilhole

It only double posts if it's slow and your an impatient child and hi the button again. see?

supercatgirl 0

or if your computer messedes p and likes to double post things everywhere. including facebook

Horsegal 0

That is an old wives' tale. It's not true at all. it doesn't come back thicker, it justrhasn't had time to taper down yet.

cokyspaniel 0

you r one brave biatch if you epilate ur down there hair

the deal with 21/22 is completely reasonable. Sometimes it says that your comment failed, so you write it again, post it and fins that it in fact didn't fail. There is no reason to be so prickly. Shave your complaining for people who Nair.

That's what you get for being safe lovey. No doubt some genius will suggest you should have used kero and a match to get that **** star smooth look that's all the rage these days. On the upside, you won't be getting a shag so won't have to risk getting a real STD.

grafixxx687 0

u shud use veet for sensitive'll b gentle on the skin or just shave if waxing seems too painful

That's why you should always read the label completely. It says not to use it down there. Course, we all tend to ignore the rules from time to time, but everything has a price.

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she doesnt uave an STD it just looks like it. dumbass

no. she deserves it because she didn't read the warning label which says not to use near or on genitals. she most likely does not have an std but even if she did that's not the reason she deserves this.

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Of course you can use soap on your bikini and pubic area...just don't wash your actual ****** with it...

amandansqueak 0

ew! you dont't use soap down there?

bubblesxtwo 0

Your supposed to wash your vag or u will get that tuna smell.

You're the "idiot" for thinking you can use soap on your ******. So you're the idiot that didn't learn basic biology when you were 12.

xOhItsMarleyy 9

I suggest washing if you ever want to get laid ..