By Dammit - 15/08/2009 05:22 - Canada

Today, I decided to be safe and tested a small dime-sized amount of Nair on my inner arm before using it. I didn't react badly. But as soon as it was washed off from my down-there hair I sure as hell reacted, with small bumpy red dots that look like an STD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 468
You deserved it 13 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not supposed to use it on your vj, dumbass. the skin there is so much more sensitive than the rest of your body. YDI for not reading the ******* label.

I thought they had special Nair for the bikini line and pubic hair? You aren't supposed to use the normal one, it can make you bleed among other things. But even if you didn't, still. That sucks. Waxing is a good alternative.


Have a little dignity. "down-there hair". That's just sickening.

How can any of you say she did not read the directions? Where you there? No. Do you know what type she bought? No. There is a bikini formula especially for that area. Inner arm, where she tested, is sensitive skin and most likely would have reacted. Just not in her case, so FHL. Even if it would have been safer to test the "down there hair" as well.

Crabs, you ignorant assholes, causes small red bumps.

If you're looking for a shaving creme that works on pubic hair, the Stag Shop sells a creme called Coochy. You'll have to shave with an actual razor, unfortunately, but the creme is really nice and works on people of all skin types, especially those with sensitive skin.

Jenspaztic 0

if she was using the kind specified for your bikini area why did she test it on her arm?

Hey, it happened to me the first time I shaved and the first time I used Nair (the bikini line one). No big. Your skin isn't used to those sort of chemicals. You don't deserve it at all. I myself am starting to wonder if it'd just be a better idea to leave that hair alone. As for those people who are saying she deserves it for using Nair on her pubes - you guys deserve to fall down a flight of stairs for being retarded. What, do you send your mothers to get your ******* Nair for you at the store? Have you not noticed the Nair that's made for the bikini area? Dolts. Even I've used that and it still irritates your skin.

I'm pretty sure it says on the back of the bottle that its not meant for pubes.

mymeetingwiththe_fml 0

"Have you not noticed the Nair that's made for the bikini area?" Yes, BIKINI line-not what's under it. And even then some people have bad reactions. You're supposed to test it on a spot you plan to use it on. Arm hair and bikini hair is different. If you want to use it down there, you need to test down there. I feel bad for her but she does deserve it for not reading the directions and for thinking that a very harsh chemical is something she should put on her body in the first place-let alone down there.

Technically we don't know what she used it on if she was vague enough to say "down there hair". I have bad reactions for a day or so to the normal Nair even when I only use it on my legs. I also tested a small part of the bikini line the first time I used the bikini one. The problem is that I personally didn't immediately react to it, so the test proved nothing. When I used it on a bigger area I reacted, and I did everytime after that, so I just gave up on it. Also she quite obviously read the instructions considering she decided to test an area of her skin, which is actually written on the instructions. And it's not her fault for thinking it's alright to use a harsh ******* chemical to remove her body hair. No woman is going to independently have that idea. I blame society. If that shit wasn't available, people wouldn't use it. Finally - I did a LOT of stupid stuff when I was young in regards to unwanted hair largely due to the fact that conversation about the topic makes a lot of people uncomfortable when you bring it up, and because my mother has probably not even said the word "******" in front of me. We don't even know how old this girl is. She could be thirteen or fourteen or something. She might not have someone older who could advise her properly on what to do. From what I know now, waxing seems the most popular choice.

Morn-it's MORE hygenic to have coochie hair, what you have to do to get rid of it causes more problems

kaaaay26 0

Buy Bikini Zone Medicated Creme...those bumps will be gone :)