By Socialidiot - 22/06/2019 04:35

Today, my girlfriend was watching an online video by some vegan girl with a bad fringe talking about bulk buying food to stay healthy. My immediate remark was, "Bulk buy a new fringe, bitch." It went very quiet before my girlfriend replied, "That's my sister." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 022
You deserved it 2 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

Rule of thumb: do not call ANY woman a bitch, especially one you don’t know. You’ll get in less trouble that way.

soooooo... you didn't know your "girlfriend" had a sister?


TomeDr 24

Rule of thumb: do not call ANY woman a bitch, especially one you don’t know. You’ll get in less trouble that way.

Helmut Arias Rodriguez 21

Don't insult women in front of other women... Doesn't end well.

bluhbluhbluh 14

how about... Don't insult anybody infront of anybody?

soooooo... you didn't know your "girlfriend" had a sister?

Even if you know someone you are with has a sibling, doesn’t mean you know what they look like if you haven’t met them. Sisters don’t often do themselves up to video chat together like they would for going out or taking pictures. And with some girls, there is a huge difference in appearance.

“Well, your hair is much better!” That’s how to recover.

Yeah, cause calling her sister bitch is totally fine. :D

Mungolikecandy 19

Ironically you were being bitchy when calling someone a bitch, A total YDI.

Sounds like you haven't been together very long.

Why would you needlessly insult anything your girlfriend seems to like watching? That's just begging for trouble.

TxKitten79 10

My husband and I playfully insult shows/movies/videos one of us likes if the other doesn't. Just cause you're dating someone doesn't mean you have to like EVERYTHING they watch. And anyone who says they do is

It's not about liking everything the other likes but you don't just randomly call someone your partner seems to enjoy names when you don't know anything about them. This isn't "Man this show sucks", it's "some video by some vegan girl" where he's randomly insulting the video host without having the slightest clue about it

TxKitten79 10

My husband and I playfully insult shows/movies/videos one of us likes if the other doesn't. Just cause you're dating someone doesn't mean you have to like EVERYTHING they watch.

TxKitten79 10

I was wondering the same thing. I'm guessing bangs? Gonna have to Google now. lol